
ChronoRecord Software

ChronoRecord provides an immediate, longitudinal analysis of patient data to assist clinicians with treatment of mood disorders.  ChronoRecord is based on the ChronoSheet, a paper tool developed in the 1970's by Peter C. Whybrow, M.D. to follow the mood fluctuations of those with manic-depressive illness.*  The technology used in ChronoRecord was awarded U.S. Patent No. 6,607,390.  Although easy and fast for patients to use daily, ChronoRecord provides a detailed analysis of their mood disorder.  Every day, patients enter their mood, sleep, medications taken and life events using ChronoRecord data collection software on a home computer on on the web.  Patients return data by e-mail.   Clinicians obtain descriptive charts that provide a detailed, graphical picture of the patient's progress.

ChronoRecord includes all software to enroll and train patients, enter data, transfer and integrate data, and provide analyses in perpetuity for individual patients.  Data from multiple patients may be aggregated for use in clinical research.  Despite considerable advances in the treatment of mood disorders the continuous monitoring of mood, sleep and other parameters of illness remains important for optimum therapeutic care.

* The ChronoRecord Association wishes to thank Peter C. Whybrow, M.D., Michael Bauer, M.D. and Laszlo Gyulai, M.D. for their advice.  None of these individuals have any financial interest in the ChronoRecord Association, Inc. or Tall Tree Software, Inc.

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