The first
validation study was completed at UCLA, the University of
Ottawa and the University of Pennsylvania under the direction of
Michael Bauer, M.D. (UCLA)* and Peter C. Whybrow, M.D. (UCLA)* in
collaboration with Natalie Rasgon, M.D. (UCLA)*, Paul Grof, M.D.
(Ottawa)* and Laszlo Gyulai, M.D. (Penn)*.
Eighty of ninety-six patients (83%) with bipolar disorder (I or II) completed the validation
study creating 8662 days of data. The study showed concurrent
validity (Pearson correlation coefficient -0.683, p<0.001)
between ChronoRecord and the Hamilton Depression
Rating Scale (HAMD), high patient acceptance of the
automated system for self-reporting and excellent data quality with
very low rates of missing data. The technology also provides
ongoing feedback to both patients and physicians. For details see:
Bauer M, Grof P, Gyulai L, Rasgon N, Glenn T, Whybrow PC.
Using technology to improve longitudinal studies: self-reporting in bipolar disorder.
Bipolar Disorders 2004;6:67-74.
The second validation study was completed in Germany.
et al confirimed the validity of ChronoRecord with the Young Mania Rating Scale (YMRS)
using data from the 80 outpatients from the original validation study combined with data
from 27 inpatients who were hospitalized with mania. The accuracy of ChronoRecord
to discriminate hypomania and mania was high using the area under the receiver operating
characteristic (ROC) curve (0.945, p<0.001, C.I. 0.923, 0.990).
For details see:
Bauer M,
Wilson T*,
Neuhaus K*,
Sasse J*,
Pfennig A*,
Lewitzka U*,
Grof P,
Glenn T,
Rasgon N,
Bschor T*,
Whybrow PC.
Self-reporting software for bipolar disorder: validation of ChronoRecord by patients with mania.
Psychiatry Res 2008;159:359-366.
* The ChronoRecord
Association wishes to thank Dr. Grof, Dr. Rasgon, Dr. Gyulai, Dr. Bschor,
Dr. Neuhaus, Dr. Sasse,
Dr. Wilson, Dr. Lewitzka and Dr. Pfennig for their contributions to
the validation study. None of these individuals has any financial interest in
ChronoRecord Association, Inc. or Tall Tree Software, Inc.
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